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UPS Assistant

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19.01.16 New version of UPS Assistant is released.

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UPS Assistant je maly nastroj, ktery nevytezuje systemove prostredky PC a pritom monitoruje radu udaju z UPS. Celou dobu bezi na pozadi systemu s ikonou v oznamovaci oblasti hlavni listy. Diky tomu mate vsechna potrebna data o zaloznim zdroji stale k dispozici. Zobrazi napeti, frekvenci, nabiti baterii, teplotu, status UPSky, kolik minut na ni muzete jeste jet atd. Navic si poradi s testovanim baterii UPS. Na strankach programu najdete i list podporovanych UPS zarizeni.

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UPS Assistant is intended for monitoring of status of the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), connected to a computer through USB- or COM-port and supporting the Megatec/Centralion protocol (Ippon, Mustek, Sven, Inelt).

Author: Alexey V.Voronin
License: Freeware
Requires: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista (x86 and x64), Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2 (x86 and x64), Windows 8/Windows Server 8 (x86 and x64).
UPS Assistant is provided "as is", with no warranties whatsoever.
UPS Assistant is distributed under CC BY-ND 3.0 license ("Attribution-NoDerivs").

Supported UPSes


MD5: 535ef990e3720dbc5ca3d60418476180

UPS Assistant - 1,01 MB (released January 19, 2016) - Download From

Features UPS Assistant -

 *  following UPSes are supported (tab "UPS Information"): UPS VID PID:
   - VID=$06DA, PID=$0003 - IPPON Mustek/Sven;
   - VID=$0F03, PID=$0001 - Inelt
   - VID=$0665, PID=$5161 - IPPON/Mustek/Sven 
Also VID/PID UPS can be specified with a command line /Ivvvv:pppp, where vvvv - 4-digit hexadecimal number that corresponds VID UPS and pppp - 4-digit hexadecimal number that corresponds PID UPS. For example, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alexey V.Voronin\UPS_Assistant\UPSAssistant.exe" /I12A5:B678 - VID:0x12A5, PID: 0xB678.
To determine VID/PID your UPS can use the "Device Manager" Windows. In the list of devices UPS will be presented in the section "Human Interface Devices" as "HID-compliant device". In the "Properties" of the device open the tab "Details" and see the property "Hardware Ids" - the first line of the form HID\VID_06DA&PID_0003..., where 06DA - VID, and 0003 - PID UPS.
Example of determination of VID/PID:
* monitoring of status of the UPS, connected to a computer through USB- or COM-port (tab "UPS Status"):
(connection type is displayed by picture in the program window: USB USB or COM COM)
UPS Status
TRIM - UPS is trimming incoming voltage (called "buck" in some hardware)
BYPASS - UPS bypass circuit is active - no battery protection is available
BOOST - UPS is boosting incoming voltage

OL/OB/OFF - UPS modes:

*  logging accidents with the possibility of clearing (tab "UPS Status") UPS Log Clear and saving to a text file UPS Log Save
* ability to set in tab "UPS Information" the UPS label UPS Label that is displayed in reports/warnings via Web, e-mail and LAN
* submitting reports on the status of the UPS with a given frequency and warnings of emergency situations via e-mail (tab "Settings")
(requires prior connection to the Internet)
UPS Reports
Host - SMTP server address
Port - SMTP server port (default 25)
Login - account name of SMTP server
Password - account password of SMTP server
Authentication - enable the authentication
TLS - enable the SSL/TLS encryption (required by most SMTP-servers)
From - sender e-mail address
E-Mail - recipient e-mail address
Subject - subject of test message

Setting examples:
to be sent via SMTP-server
Host -
Port - 465
Authentication must be enabled
TLS must be enabled

to be sent via SMTP-server
Host -
Port - 465
Authentication must be enabled
TLS must be enabled
fields Login and From must be the same

to be sent via SMTP-server
Host -
Port - 465
Authentication must be enabled
TLS must be enabled
fields Login and From must be the same

The choice of parameters to be included in the report, and emergency situations in which sends a warning:
Parameters Select Status Select
The button UPS Report Test to send test messages.
UPS Reports SMTP - the inclusion of sending reports on the status of UPS e-mail with a given frequency
UPS Warnings SMTP - the inclusion of sending warnings to emergency situations via e-mail

When successfully sent email to the status bar displays the message "Report sending O.K.".
If you specify an incorrect user name or password, the status bar displays the message "Username and Password not accepted" - for Gmail.
If not enabled mail server authentication is required, the status bar displays the message "Authentication Required" - for Gmail.
If you send are given various fields Login and From, and mail server expects that they will be the same, the status bar displays the message "sender address must match authenticated user" - for the Mail.Ru.

Example report on the status of UPS:
Subject: Report - 29.06.2008 20:06:04
Report - 29.06.2008 20:06:04
VID: 0x06DA PID: 0x0003 Product: USB UPS
I/P Voltage = 221.8 V
I/P Fault Voltage = 222.3 V
O/P Voltage = 222.3 V
O/P Current = 028 %
I/P Frequency = 49.9 Hz
Battery Voltage = 13.5 V
Temperature = 25.0°C
UPS Status = 00001001
An example of an emergency warning:
Subject: Warning - Power fail
Warning - 29.06.2008 20:26:26 Power fail
VID: 0x06DA PID: 0x0003 Product: USB UPS
*  send reports on the status of the UPS with a given frequency and warnings of emergency situations in the form of network messages in the LAN (tab "Settings")
LAN Reports
Server Name - name of the computer receiving messages (default, the name of your computer)
The choice of parameters to be included in the report, and emergency situations in which sends a warning:
Parameters Select Status Select
The button UPS Report Test to send test messages.
UPS Reports SMTP - the inclusion of sending reports on the status of UPS with a given frequency
UPS Warnings SMTP - the inclusion of sending warnings to emergency situations
Example report on the status of UPS:
LAN Reports
An example of an emergency warning:
LAN Warnings
*  toggle UPS beeper UPS Toggle Beeper
*  UPS battery test in 10 secondsUPS Battery Test
*  UPS battery test for specified time period Test)
program asks to specify the duration of the test Test Interval
(this command is not supported by all UPS)
*  test until battery low Test)
(this command is not supported by all UPS)
*  cancel Test Cancel")
(this command is not supported by all UPS)
*   suspend UPS Standby, hibernate UPS Hibernate, shutdown UPS Shutdown (force - UPS Force)
*   suspend, hibernate, shutdown at power fail (force - UPS Force):
    - at a voltage reduction on battery below admissible UPS Voltage
    - through the set interval of time UPS Delay
This may automatically switch off the UPS (delayed 5 minutes) when the emergency shutdown or move into hibernation and then automatically UPS activate when restoration of power failure - "UPS Shutdown" - command "S" ( "Shut Down Command") (Note - this command is not supported by all UPS)
UPS Shutdown
* choice of used commands of Megatec/Mustek protocol Commands
(for the changes to take effect must restart the program)
* autorun with Windows UPS AutoRun
* adjustment of an interval of updating of the information on a status of the UPS UPS Refresh
* possibility to turn off the tooltips - "Balloon Hints"
Balloon Hints Off
* save setiings in Windows registry:
   - on click the button UPS Settings
   -  at an exit from the program UPS Exit
* HTTP-server to receive reports via the Web with the possibility of user authentication (tab "Settings")
HTTP Server
An example of HTML-pages with the report:
HTML Report

Start of the program

If the UPS is connected to a COM-port, then when you first start the program requests the number of COM-port COM Port Query.
If the "UPS Rating Information" command ( "F") is not supported or is disabled, the program requests that the battery voltage Battery Voltage Query.
At start the program is turned off in tray and displays the information on a current status of the UPS three possible icons:
UPS Power O.K. - power O.K.;UPS AVR - AVR;UPS Battery- power fail
If the UPS is supported, then hint appears: USB: USB Hint, COM: COM Hint.
When you right-click on the icon in the system tray pop-up menu appears:
Popup Menu
"Restore" - expand the program window
"Minimize" - minimize window
"Exit" - exit from program.
When you click the left mouse button on the button Close Button in the window title program does not close, but rolled in the system tray.


Power O.K.
Power Fail

What is new in UPS Assistant

+ added ability to select to send reports by e-mail with/without the use of TLS/SSL

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