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Equation Solver

Equation Solver


20.10.13 Version Equation Solver 1.1 released.

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Midlet "Equation Solver" is intended to solve systems of linear algebraic equations with real coefficients of the second and third order (with two and three unknown)


System Requirements

Mobile phone should have a color screen and maintain a profile MIDP 2.0/CLDC 1.0.
Supported mobile phones

You are using midlet "as is", at your own risk.
Equation Solver is distributed under CC BY-ND 3.0 license ("Attribution-NoDerivs").


J2ME Midlet is distributed in the form of ZIP-archive containing the files EqSolver.jad and EqSolver.jar,  designed for installation on the phone with the appropriate software  (Nokia PC Suite for Nokia,  Siemens Data Exchange Software for Siemens, Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Sony Ericsson etc.).

Checksum ZIP-archive MD5: 0c1b7d81fc03fe792cc05c79e525859e - 1.1
Equation Solver 1.1 (ZIP-archive) - 10,3 ÊÁ (released October 20, 2013) - Download From


When you run the midlet splashscreen appears
Equation Solver Splash
(within 3 seconds), showing where you can stop to press any key. After the splashscreen, open the main form of midlet:
Equation Solver
By default midlet is set to decide the third-order systems of equations and equation coefficients are assigned zero value. To install a different dimension or reset coefficients need to select the appropriate dimension of the matrix of coefficients, and then click Equation Solver Init.
Writing the coefficients is performed in the following order: a1, b1, c1, (d1), a2, b2, c2, (d2), a3, b3, c3, (d3). To enter, you must enter the value in the box Equation Solver Input, which shows the input symbol coefficient, and click Equation Solver Add. This input field is automatically configured to input following coefficient (in the box displays the previous value, which can be changed or unchanged). Writing the coefficients of a cyclically repeated (after entering the coefficient values c3 (d3) midlet is set to enter the coefficient values a1 ).
To enter a minus sign is necessary to remove the numbers in cell entry and press the "*" for a decimal point must be to press "#" (in different models of phones required keys may vary).
Once the coefficients of the system to solve the system, click Equation Solver Solve.If the system has a solution, the 1 second window appears with the message of the successful solution of the system Equation Solver OK and the basic form midlet solution of the system is shown (values of unknown variables) Equation Solver XYZ. If the system has no solutions, the 1 second window appears with the error message Equation Solver Error, and in the main form instead of the unknown variables are displayed question marks Equation Solver Error XYZ.
To solve the following system is required to change the dimension of the system (if necessary) and add new or adjust the previous value of the coefficients.
To display information about the midlet, click Equation Solver About.
To close midlet, click Equation Solv .

Test solution

The system of equations of second order
Solution (MathCad): Equation MathCad 2x2
Solution (Equation Solver): Equation MIDlet 2x2

The system of equations of third order
Solution (MathCad): Equation MathCad 3x3
Solution (Equation Solver): Equation MIDlet 3x3


Sun Java WTK Emulator
Sun Java WTK Emulator

Whats new in Equation Solver 1.1

* changed the website address of the midlet

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© 2008 - 2014 Alexey "FoxyLab" Voronin

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